The Challenge  

The goal of this project was to create a fully customizable and personalized skincare product to add to consumers’ daily routines. This new skincare brand will be exclusively sold at Target. 


Product Researcher
Product Prototyper 
Material Research
User Resea
Product Ideation/sketches
Graphic Designer
Photoshop Editor 

The Solution 

What does Estoria mean?
Estoria: meaning 'story' 
or 'history'

    Estoria is all about finding and understanding your
    skin story. Everyone's story is different. But together          you can turn the next chapter of your skin journey.
The Product: Estoria Hourglass

The Estoria Hourglass is a sustainable skin care product that you can mix and match to create a customizable skin care solution.
Our brand identity emphasizes inclusivity, honesty, and sustainability. Estoria is authentic and meant for anybody embarking on a new skincare journey.

Estoria does not contribute to the unattainable beauty standards seen in this industry. In a process meant to be personalized, consumers should see themselves represented in the brand, Our brand is free of fragrances, animal by-products, and parabens.
It is a cruelty free and vegan product.
2 piece component, 3 bases and 5 add-ins each targeting specific skin types and consumer needs.
What's Inside?
As a brand we wanted to makes sure we stood by our values to make a effective product for all our customers. 
By conducting user surveys and talking to a licensed esthetician we were able to find out what type of
ingredients should be put in the add-ins and base moisturizers. 

This is what we learned learned from the esthetician!

Great products/ingredients: Salicylic Acid, Beta Hydroxy, Glycerin, Benzoyl Peroxide, Hyaluronic Acid, Antioxidents, Retinols, Vitamin A, Alpha Hydroxy Acid

What to avoid: Fragrance, Essential Oils, Walnut Scrubs, and soaps intended for
use on body

Trends in skincare: Korean Skincare, Clean Beauty (be cautious), oil cleansing

Opinion on fragrances: Should be avoided, while they aren’t guaranteed to cause irritation, they can lead to sensitivities. They aren’t regulated either
How It Works?
The Final Lineup
Accessibility is always at the forefront of our minds. We wanted to make sure all instructions and labels were at eye level. Also,
the endcap was designed to evoke the calm and youthful spirit of Estoria. Also, we decided to go with a wood finish over plastic because we wanted customers to be drawn to the endcap. 

The Process
As a team research was a priority during the creation of Estoria Hourglass.  
The Reasoning

“Most fragrances are too overpowering and smell super artificial.”

“I can't use fragrance products on my face due to sensitivity issues.”

“Fragrances often include more chemicals and alcohol products, which tend to dry out skin.
I like to keep it natural with more organic ingredients.”

“Many scents trigger migraines.”

We took a lot of inspiration from nature. We wanted Estoria to be vibrant in feeling and authentic. As a brand, we leaned towards a minimalistic feeling. Because I was a researcher on the team, I was able to do a brand audit. I went into the stores and looked at 30 brands within Target, Ulta, and Sephora. There were several things I observed. 

There was a lack of instructions/information about products in
each area!

1)  Brand Identity Matters

The competition is fierce, with unlimited brand options, it's important to create a packaging design that stands out and

raises interest.

2) A clean and professional branding can increase consumer trust.

3) Providing clear instruction and information on ingredients is a huge priority
for consumer. But they will do their research regardless.  

Supporting Research
eMarketer reports that buyers who valued quality most were more likely to shop directly from a site (64%), while big-box stores won shoppers on price (28%).
All these versions were too busy we need a logo that was clean, trendy, and would have high readability in small sizes.
(context: logo needs to fit on a bottle and work on a large-scale display).

We looked at over 12 products that we considered to be competitors. Here are just 5 that have divergent qualities to them that
we want to incorporate or we want to learn from. There are three categories of these products Daytime. Nighttime, Gel Moisturizers are a moisturizer that is water-based and usually oil-free.
Taking a closer look at the list there is a spectrum of prices from $13 on the low end to $52 for a higher product. Based on
our target audience is young professionals who care about their skin we set our product range to be $26-$35.
Although this was a team project I played an important role in the divergent ideation phase. After I conducted the brand
After the audit, we had to decide how we were going to create a customizable skin product. We had tons of ideas, like dissolvable pills that could have serums in them. I had some ideas to use a rollerball stick to midgate the user having to use their hand for application. There was talk about syringes...but it felt too medical. But ultimately, we landed on the hourglass shape. 

Why the Hourglass?

1) It was the easiest way to connect the two part (the base and the addins)
2 A tube is both ergonomic and can be easily shaken. 
The Evolution of the Packaging
Final Results & Other Touchpoints
Special thanks to our team XXena: Lindsay Olson, Courtney Priddy, Lauren Tompkins & Yolanda Mantilla!
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